1. Dying intestate is a nightmare!
What does dying intestate mean? Dying Intestate means dying without a Will. If you die without a Will (intestate) the relevant State Trustee may be able to charge a fee of approx. 5.5%* of the gross value of assets of your Estate. Having a Will provides peace of mind for your loved ones at an immense time of distress and mourning.
Other handy things you can do to help:
*In some instances this may be more or slightly less depending on the respective State or Territory legislation.
2. Are any of your kids young enough that they’ll need a guardian to look after them?
Who can you trust to look after your kids when you no longer can? It’s one of the biggest and most important decisions you’ll ever have to make. Choose wisely and make sure you discuss your wishes with your chosen person or people. Your kids are your legacy.
3. Who will take care of your fur children?
Just like our children, pets are our responsibility. Including them in your Will ensures continued care and a loving home for your pet. Importantly, make sure you have approached your nominated carer and they have accepted.
Your Wills has allowed for you to nominate a Pet Carer.
4. You definitely have assets
An asset is anything of financial value owned by an individual or business. When we talk about assets in Wills, this refers to bank accounts, property, shares, life insurance, superannuation, cars, boats, crypto currency, artwork, furniture, jewellery, the list goes on.
Writing a Will allows you to specify ‘how’ you would like your assets distributed and to whom.
WARNING! The State Trustees is a government agency that will administer your estate on your behalf if you die without a Will and no family member with a desire to administer your estate. The State Trustee may be able to charge your estate an administration fee of up to 5.5%* of the gross value of assets of your estate in order to provide an Executor-style service.
*In some instances this may be more or slightly less depending on the respective State or Territory legislation.
5. Important if you have a property
If you have a property, you definitely need a Will. Whether you’re living in your first home, upgraded to a family home or living in a dream home there’s no doubt you’ve worked hard, saved and planned to get where you are today.
As we know life happens when you’re busy making plans so if something was to happen to you, who would get your house? Spouse, girlfriend, children?
6. Your Wills has simplified the process
Estate planning is historically regarded as pretty complicated – viewed as overwhelming and costly. That’s where Your Wills comes in. Your Wills is an Australian company that offers you a simple to use, straightforward solution allowing you to cost effectively create a legally recognised Will online from the comfort of your own home.
Your Wills has created software (taking into consideration State and Territory legislation) that allows you to complete your Will online allowing you to:
No need to meet a lawyer face to face – your Will will be delivered straight to your inbox. Then all you need to do is print, execute and witness to complete your legally recognised Will: job done!
7. Leave A Gift to Charity
Bequests are a hugely important support for organisations – many of whom would not be able to carry out their essential services without these generous donations. Gifts in Wills can lead to life-changing medical technological advances, improve facilities and resources, provide initiative programs and family support among many other amazing advantages.
Your Wills offers you the option of paying it forward by leaving a portion of your estate to a selected charity. Its quick, easy and Step 7 of writing your Will online.
8. How Your Wills Can Help
Your Wills is an Australian-based company (supported by SLF Lawyers) that offers you a simple to use, straightforward solution allowing you to cost effectively create a legally recognised Will online from the comfort of your own home from $89.95+GST. No need to meet a lawyer face to face – your legally recognised Will will be delivered straight to your inbox.
There are only 9 simple steps from start to finish to complete your Will.
No payment required until after you’ve completed Step 8 – then review and submit your Will.
Once complete, just download the PDF and print it out. Then it’s time to have your Will witnessed.
To officially finalise your legally binding Will, ensure you have two independent individuals (over the age of 18) witness you signing each page of your Will – including the all-important very last page. Your witnesses then need to sign each page of your Will too. Your witnesses must use exactly the same pen you used to sign your Will. Done! It’s that easy!